kailasa temple

Kailas Temple Ellora Mysterious Architecture

Kailas Temple Ellora Mysterious Architecture Which is Science surprise by seeing. Temples of Lord Shiva in different places all over the world, but some temples are so special that even science can’t explain them.

kailasa temple

Today we are going to tell you about a similar Lord Shiva temple, which is a wonderful specimen of architecture. 

Kailas Temple

Today we are going to tell you about a Lord Shiva temple, which is built in the seventh century. Archaeologist wondering about this temple that how  kind of architecture built in that era.

This Kailas Temple is the most wonderful of the 34 Elephanta caves of Aurangabad in Maharashtra. While making a temple or a building, pieces of stones are made up of one compact on one side, but a unique method adopt to build the Kailas temple.

Kailas Temple 3

Temple Structure 

Its specialty that it made from top to bottom, nowadays buildings are construct from bottom to top. The stones cut into hollow by the temple, pole, door, carving etc. 

Apart from this it is not normal for the system to accumulate rain water,  drain out the water, temple towers and bridges, beautiful balconies made of finely design, cutlery straps, secret underground paths etc all the stones are cut.

The engineers of the modern era believe that today’s time it would take centuries to build such a wonderful temple of architecture. In ancient times it took only 18 years to build. He argues that there is no end to such a technique available anywhere in India.

Making History of Temple

It is believe that Kailas Temple construct during the King Krishna I (756-773 CE). Apart from this, there is no such information as the purpose of making this temple, what technology to make, and the name of the builder.

The engrave article on the walls of the temple very old and the written language not read. It is said that this temple very hard to make Kailas of the Himalaya, that is call Kailas Temple.

This temple cut to a height of about 40 thousand tonnes and a 90-ft high temple built. Nandi stands in front of this temple, and stands on both sides of the giant elephants and pillars. Along with it, bricks and stones are made without cutting a rock.

Scientists from around the world could not solve the secret of this temple. By seeing this we realize that our ancestors very knowledgeable of architecture.

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